The role of goal orientation, managerial coaching behavior and team learning
“When we talk about learning in the workplace we should not […] make the mistake of assuming that the workplace is a unified environment for all learners. Instead, we should recognize that people’s situations and organisational positions with respect to working and learning in the workplace differ.”
This dissertation examines teacher professional development in senior secondary vocational education and training. In the last decade, SSVET in the Netherlands was confronted with the implementation of competence-based education as part of a major educational reform. The aim of competence-based education is to develop an authentic learning environment, with a strong link to the future occupation of students. Thus, teachers from multiple disciplines must work together to attain an integrated educational program …
Eva Kunst (1989) was born in Almere, the Netherlands. After she completed secondary education at het Helen Parkhurst in Almere in 2007, she started the bachelor Civil Engineering
at the University of Twente. After a year, she decided to follow her calling and switched to the bachelor Educational Science and Technology at the University of Twente and obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2010. In 2013, she obtained her Research Master’s degree in Child Development and Education at University of Amsterdam. During her studies she specialized in advanced statistical research methods, educational policies and teachers professional learning.
Under supervision of Prof. Rob Poell and dr. Marianne van Woerkom she started as a PhD-candidate in 2013 at the department of Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University. In collaboration with scholars from Wageningen University and Research, the project Team Up for Learning and Professionalization was started to explore team learning in teacher teams in Vocational Education Training institutions in the Netherlands.
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